The EPFL Scientific Staff Association (ELSA) represents PhDs, Postdocs, Scientists and scientific assistants to better support their interests at EPFL.
We are currently restructuring the association. If you want to support us or if you want to raise an issue, please sign up!
L’Association du Corps Intermédiaire Scientifique de l’EPFL représente les doctorants, les post-docs, les scientifiques et les assistants scientifiques pour mieux soutenir leurs intérêts à l’EPFL.
Nous sommes actuellement en train de restructurer l’association. Si tu veux nous soutenir ou discuter d’un problème, inscris-toi!
Formerly known as ACIDE – L’Association du Corps Intermédiaire de l’EPFL
Winter/Spring 2025 Events
Tax Declaration Made Easy (x Polydoc + EPDA)
Wednesday 5 February 2025
We are organizing a seminar “Tax Declarations Made Easy” with Mr. Johan Lobmeyer.
Topics of this seminar:
Main topics:
- Conditions for the full tax declaration
- Is it worth it to apply the full declaration ?
- What income must be declared ?
- What expenses count as deductions ?
- How to fill out the tax declaration (With tips & tricks to go faster)
When: Wednesday, 05-Feb-2025, 17:00-18:30, networking apero ? ? ? after 18:30!
Where: online + in-person (EPFL main campus, (SG 1138))
Sign up: register here
Questions? contact Giannis Savva or Clemens Wöllhaf
Events supported by the membership fees of paid ACIDE members, the EPFL Associate Vice-Presidency of Research.

Investment Seminar – April 3 2025
Based on your feedback from our previous events, we* are organizing a seminar on Investments, with the finance specialist Mr. Johan Lobmeyer, MBA.
Main topics:
- Fundamentals of Investments with use-cases
- Practical explanations for investment platforms
- Red flags to avoid
This seminar is planned for in-person participation only, with only 25 spots available. The registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, with paid members of ELSA/EPDA having a priority. To ensure a spot in this seminar and future events don’t forget to sign up with ELSA (just 20CHF per year for PhD students and it helps us to organize these kind of events). This event has a participation fee of 5 CHF, to be paid via camipro, once your registration is confirmed.
When: Thursday, 3rd April 2025, 17:00-19:00 (apéro from 19:00)
Where: TBC (EPFL main campus)
Sign up: fill this form
Questions? Contact Clemens or Giannis
* who are we?
ELSA: EPFL Scientific Staff Association
EPDA: EPFL PostDoc Association
PolyDoc: PhD Student’s Association

Networking Lunch for the Scientific Staff – April 8th 2025
The Associations of EPFL’s Scientific Staff (ELSA), PostDocs (EPDA) and PhD students (PolyDoc) are jointly organizing a socializing Lunch!
Do you have questions about our organizations? How EPFL is run? Do you have comments and feedback?
Join us for a short introduction to us and EPFL followed by beverages, food and coffee (bring your mug!)
When: 08.04.2025, 12:15
Where: To be announced (EPFL main campus)
Signup : fill this form